English Question Test Series Part 1

English Question Test Series Part 11. Don't look ..........  on him.
a. down
b. for
c. on
d. by

2. Can you agree .......... my proposal.
a. to 
b. too
c. with
d. into

3. Most of us eat .......... a spoon.
a. with
b. in
c. for
d. by

4. He comes ....... a car.
a. by 
b. at
c. with
d. on

5. Let us play ......... chess.
a. a
b. the
c. of
d. an

6. She wants to ..........  an engineer.
a. become
b. becomes
c. became
d. be

7. He went on ......... foolishly.
a. spoke
b. to speaking
c. speaking
d. speaks

8. ............... to many places enriches our knowledge.
a. travelling
b. to travel
c. travel
d. The travel

9. I shall meet you ..... 6 o'clock.
a. at
b. by
c. in
d. during

10. My father will retire from service ....... a year.
a. of
b. in
c. by
d. with

11. Suganya writes ........ her left hand.
a. on 
b. with
c. in
d. by


1. a
2. b
3. a
4. a
5. a
6. a
7. c
8. a
9.  a
10. b
11. b 

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