Himachal Pradesh Major Rivers - Read Full Article

Himachal Pradesh Major Rivers - Read Full Article Himachal Pradesh provides water to the Ganga  and Indus basins . The drainage systems of the region are the Sutlej,the Ravi,the Beas,the Chenab(Chandra Bhaga), and the Yamuna

The Sutlej (Satadru or Satudri) : 

The Satluj river rises from the Rakas-Tal (Rakas Lake) which is situated at an altitude of around 4600m near the Mansarovar lake in Tibet.The Satluj  makes gorges through the Zaskar and the Greater Himalayan Ranges. At the Indo-Tibetan border(near Shipki La) it enters Himachal Pradesh where it cuts through the Zaskar Range.The river from here flows westward and passes Kalpa, and then crosses Dhauladhar Range (near Rampur) through a narrow gorge.The Spiti River joins the Sutlej from north.Passing through the Shiwalik, and the gorge near Bhakra village. The Bhakra dam has been constructed across the river. Below the Bhakra Dam,the river comes to the Punjab plain at Ropar. The lenght of river about 320 km,draining an area of about 20,000 sq km(7,700sq mi).

The Ravi (Parushni or Iravati):

The Ravi rises in Bara Banghal ,(Kangra H.P) as a joint stream formed by the glacier fed Tantgari & Bhadal. The Ravi drains the westren slope  of Pir-Panjal and Dhauladhar Range of northen slope.It flows for about 158 km and drains 5451 sq km area. Chamba Town lies on its right bank. Below Chamba ,it truns to the south-west, cuts a gorge in Dhauladhar Range and enters the Punjab plain.

The Beas (Vipasa or Argikiya):

The Beas river rises from Beas Kund neat the Rohtang Pass (Kullu) at an altitutude of about 4000 m.It cuts the Dhauladhar Range near Khoti and Larji. It flows along Manali and Kullu town. Its important tributaries are the Parbati, the Hurla, the Uhl,the Banganga,the Kunah and the baner.It flows the Kangra Valley and enter the Punjab. The Beas river passes through Kapurthala and Amritsar and jions thr Satluj river. It flows  256 km ,draining an area of about 1200 sq km. The  Beas eastern and nothern side tributaries are snow fed and southern are seasonal. During the raining month (August) increase in the inflow cause floods.

The Chenab (Asikni):

The Chenab flows in Himachal Pradesh for about 122 km draining an area of 7500 sq km. The Chenab is known as Chandrabhaga in Himachal Pradesh. The Chandra and Bhaga two main streams of the river meet at Tandi in Lahaul.After uniting ,the Chenab flows the Pir-Panjal and the Himalayas. At Kishtwar, it makes a pin bend and enters the Kashmir. It passes through the barren tribal land.

The Yamuna (Klakindhi):

The Yamuna is originating from Yamunotri Glacire in Uttarkashi (Uttarakhand).The Tons river joined the Yamuna river behind tthe Mussoorie Range (Uttarakhand).Its important tributaries are the right bank tributaries,orginating from the Aravallis Rajasthan, Vindhyan Range of Madhya Pradesh. The right hand tributaries of the Yamuna River are the Chambal,Sind,Bata,Tons and ken. Its total catchment area is 2320 sq km in Himachal Pradesh.


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